Now let's have a look at the basic techniques of EFT, the ones that you will use as a beginner, but also that you'll come back to even if you become the top world's expert in EFT.
The following techniques are detailed in the free basic EFT Manual of Gary Craig. You can also see them in action with applications to real people in the
Τhe EFT Course, the original basic EFT self-training video course released by Gary.
The Basic Recipe
It's the most essential technique of EFT and the most widely used. It consists of the the following ingredients: The Setup: Its purpose is to achieve tuning to the problem and temporarily beat a potential psychological reversal. This is done by using the Setup Phrase, which the practitioner repeats for three times, while gently rubbing the Sore Spot or tapping at the Karate Chop point. The Setup Phrase (at its elementary form) consists of two parts: a negative statement of the problem and a positive statement (of acceptance, choice, forgiveness, etc.) The Setup Phrase goes like "even though I have this <problem>, I deeply and completely accept my self. You can replace <problem> with the specific issue that you want to apply EFT for. The Setup Phrase can have numerous variants and flavors, but it should express the problem in an accurate way and also the self acceptance, in the individual's own words and expressions, wherever possible. The Full Sequence: The practitioner taps with his/her hands on a series of 12 points located at the energy meridians and vessels. The points spread over upper body and can easily be found and used. The tapping has to be light but firm, consisting of seven to ten finger per point at a steady pace of two to four per second. It doesn't matter whether left or right hand is used or whether the left or right body section is used (as many of the points are bilateral. While tapping, the practitioner repeats (on every tapping point) the Reminder Phrase, which is usually a shortcut of the Setup Phrase, focused on the problem. The Reminder Phrase should be short enough but also descriptive of the problem, so the tuning can be preserved. For example, if the Setup Phrase is "even though that day I got mad at John...", the Reminder Phrase could be like "mad at John". The Reminder Phrase is kind of a summary of the problem statement, as said with the Setup Phrase. The 9-Gamut procedure: This is the funniest and most bizarre of the basic techniques of EFT. It consists of a series of steps than involve opening an closing your eyes, rolling your eyes, humming and counting, while tapping on the Gamut Point. This can sometimes prove to be a key procedure for achieving fast results in many problems. It's supposed to trigger a better coordination of the two brain hemispheres. The Full Sequence: The practitioner repeats the full sequence, as described above. A deep breath at the end usually also helps.
The Full Sequence is described in much detail in
the free basic EFT Manual of Gary Craig.
A fundamental element in applying EFT (especially for the beginners), is the subjective evaluation of the intensity of the problem. The practitioner who is self-applying EFT has to estimate the intensity in a scale of one (no distress) to ten (maximum/intolerable distress). Because this estimation is done by the person itself, with no reference to a standard or using some measuring equipment, is a subjective measurement. Thus, the result of the measurement is called Subjective Units of Distress (SUDS). What is really important in the SUDS estimation is not accuracy, but reevaluating after applying the techniques. For example, estimating the intensity at 8 while it would be more accurate to put it at 7 or 6 is not at all a problem, as it's the difference between before and after EFT application that counts. If the person cannot put a number on the intensity (as is usually the case with kids), alternative methods of measurement can be used, such as the distance between the two hands when extended forward or another suitable physical or verbal indication. Essential process of applying EFT To self-apply EFT, a person: Gets tuned into the problem and assesses the SUDS level (for traumatic memories and intense problems there are more advance techniques available, so the person does not need to suffer). Creates a suitable Setup Phrase. Executes the Setup procedure, as described above. Selects the appropriate Reminder Phrase. Applies the Full Sequence. Applies the 9-Gamut. Applies again the Full Sequence. Evaluates again the SUDS level.
If the SUDS level is not zero, the above steps are repeated with an adjusted Setup Phrase ("even though I still have some of this..." or similar) and Reminder Phrase ("remaining ..."), until the SUDS level drops to zero. The creator of EFT calls the whole procedure above "mechanical EFT", as it does not really involve any smart thinking. In practice, the application of EFT goes though several shortcuts (for example, adjusting or leaving out steps and points), and uses several additional techniques and alternative techniques to accelerate the process. However, the "mechanical EFT" is still very effective in numerous cases and is also the "safest" way to use EFT when you're a beginner and when you apply it to yourself.
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