Get introduced to EFT and start using it to change your life and your clients' life Maybe you've come to this page just out of curiosity about EFT. You may have already heard something or read about it on the Web. You may as well already know what it is and want to get seriously into it. Some of you may have come to this pages while trying to help yourself, to find a cure for an ailment, relief for some emotional charge or physical distress, ways to get rid of hard feelings and stressful memories, methods to withdraw from addictions, etc. You may be professionals wanting to help their clients in quickly overcoming numerous mental and physical problems, or to improve their performance at work and at their private life. On these Web pages, you can find a lot and free information about EFT, good enough to start applying it to yourself and to achieve a good success ratio. Of course, there is much more to EFT than what meets the eye and, if you want to conquer it and have more than 90% success, you should get a proper training and acquire a lot of experience. So. let's see: A few words on the power of EFT and the caution that should be exercised... We urge you to use EFT responsibly, both on your self and on other people. It is a wonderful set of tools for improving our lives, but every human being is a unique, complex system of matter, energy and spirit and any intervention should be made with caution and according to common sense, giving proper consideration to the possible consequences. We strongly suggest that its application takes place within a larger program of therapy or personal development. EFT can tempt you to use for quickly fixing some problems, even serious and chronic ones, or to experiment with changes that could possibly have deep effects on the personality. It's the first time in human history that literally every body (even a child!) can quickly learn and apply such a powerful method for changing emotions and thoughts. So, act with responsibly and with caution, in order to enjoy the power of EFT with no serious negative side effects... We cannot stress enough the fact that, to use EFT professionally, on your clients, it is absolutely necessary to get proper training on it and not rely solely on information from the Web and a book. EFT can help you achieve incredible results in a very short time, that is if you get to know it well and practice it enough. You should always follow common sense and not go to places where you don't belong, that is not treating with EFT (or any other method) However, you should always work according to common sense and not go to places where you don't belong. Please do not try to treat with EFT (or with any other method) cases outside your educational and work experience. Also, this applies to cases that is against the law to treat if you are not a licensed professional (such as a psychotherapist or a psychiatrist, depending on you local legislation). |